

The Cure Alzheimer’s Fund is a non-profit organization dedicated to funding research with the highest probability of preventing, slowing or reversing Alzheimer’s disease. Many of the dollars raised by the Rick Sharp Alzheimer’s Foundation have gone to Cure Alzheimer’s Fund. The organization’s unwavering focus on finding a cure is made possible by their Board of Directors, which finances all of their overhead expenses so that 100% of all donations go to research.

Since its founding, The Cure Alzheimer’s Fund has contributed more than $110,000,000 to research, and its funded initiatives have been responsible for several key breakthroughs including a potential treatment recently selected by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) for its elite “Blueprint” drug discovery program, and the ground-breaking “Alzheimer’s in a Dish” study, which promises to greatly accelerate drug testing and was reported by The New York Times as a “giant step forward.”

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