

Rick Sharp was relentless in pursuing a goal. When he was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s Disease, he channeled his innovation and dynamic spirit towards participating in finding a cure, and he inspired others to join him. Many of us have been touched by Alzheimer’s, and our organization is driven daily by the spirit of Rick and ask, “What would Rick do?”

We have been careful stewards of your philanthropy, carefully vetting and funding the scientists and research projects that will ultimately impact curing this relentless disease. We’ve provided over $3.5+ million in research grants.

Our work helps to support our partners who are – daily – performing the hard work and incredible research that will one day find a cure for Alzheimer’s Disease. Visit our Education Page to learn more about them.


Make a secure gift online by credit card, PayPal, or Venmo. ricksharpalz.org/donate


To donate by telephone, call 833.CURE.ALZ. Our business hours are 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. ET.


Mail your check payable to the Rick Sharp Alzheimer’s Foundation to: Rick Sharp Alzheimer’s Foundation,
9020 Stony Point Parkway, Suite 180, Richmond, VA 23235


Securities such as stocks, mutual fund shares or other appreciated assets can be a tax-efficient way to make a gift to the Rick Sharp Alzheimer’s Foundation. Gifts may be sent electronically via wire transfer. Contact us at carli@ricksharpalz.org for instructions.


A QCD paid from your Individual Retirement Account (IRA) allows you, if you’re 70 1/2 or older, to donate up to $105,000 to the Rick Sharp Alzheimer’s Foundation directly from your IRA. And it’s 100% tax free.


A DAF is a charitable savings account that gives you flexibility to recommend donations to the Rick Sharp Alzheimer’s Foundation.

For DAF holders, please contact us at carli@ricksharpalz.org or mail checks to:
Rick Sharp Alzheimer’s Foundation,
9020 Stony Point Parkway, Suite 180,
Richmond, VA 23235

Give Monthly

Supporting Alzheimer’s disease research through monthly donations is a powerful and lasting commitment. To set up automatic, recurring contributions and choose your gift amount, please visit ricksharpalz.org/donate.